Step back into the super privileged world of The Elite. The infamous girls living in one of New York’s classiest apartment building, the Bramford, are back. While they may look absolutely perfect and dazzling, dark secrets are hiding behind their all too perfect appearance.
Casey McCloy is finally starting to fit in. Her hair’s not as unruly as it used to be, she’s learning the ins and outs of a good fashion sense and she’s dating Drew, one of the hottest guys in all of Manhattan. As she becomes the “New York Casey” though she feels like she’s losing herself.
Then there is Madison Macallister, the reigning queen of the Upper East Side, who just so happens to believe that Casey stole Drew from her. Even though Madison and Drew weren’t officially dating, Madison was majorly crushing on him, and still can’t believe that a Midwestern freak like Casey could steal him away from her. Determined to get Drew back, Madison all but wages a silent war on Casey in order to exact her revenge.
Will the queen bee get what she wants or will the new girl find herself all of a sudden a lot more powerful then she ever thought possible?
These books are splendid! In Too Deep picks up right where The Elite left off, not missing a beat. All the gossip and drama that occurs in Gossip Girl is present in these books, except these girls actually have moral standards.
All of the characters in the book were excellently developed. Each had their own unique story and personality. I really love how Jennifer Banash had two supporting characters who each had their own thing going on. They were separate from Madison and Casey and really had their own lives, dealing with their own problems. What’s also really great about the characters is that even though they are spoiled socialites, any girl could easily relate to them. Even Madison, who appears to be untouchable, has many insecurities that are present in your everyday teenage girl.
The pages were definitely drama filled and I found it hard to tear myself away from the book, eagerly anticipating what would happen next. There were many twists and turns that I would never been able to predict and I found many of the plot aspects to be really creative.
Jennifer Banash has definitely created a great sequel to The Elite, and while she answered many questions from the first book, she has created even more in this one. All the better though as it promises a great third book in the series, Simply Irrestible, which hits shelves in Summer 2009. In the mean time though go out and enjoy yourself as you read this deliciously guilty book!
I never much cared for these snotty, rich girl, sweet Valley high type books, but this one does sound tantilizing.
DW Golden
ly with Fairies in a new young adult novel: Purple Butterflies
I've never read any of Jennifer Banash's books and there have been so many different opinions on her writing =/
I'm about to read this!!!!
I've heard lots of good things about this book and The Elite recently... Thanks for writing the review. Love your blog--I added it to my blogroll!
Hi Tasha - just wanted to say hello! Hope all is well with you! All best, C
i'm looking to read this one, but i hope it's not like gossip girl. I despise that series...
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