Avalon and Halley have always been the ultimate best friends. They live right behind each other, they share their beloved puppy
Pucci, and this year they even get to co-host a fashion blog for their school's newspaper. At the beginning of eighth grade Avalon decides to throw a huge party in honor of the girls' friendship. Halley's not that keen but, for the sake of her friend, she goes along with it. Things start to go down hill from there. The girls can't seem to agree on anything, be it fashion advice or who to hang out with. Soon the jabs between the girls become lethal and full out war is declared between them. Avalon's even gone as far as to draw up an agreement between them as to who gets custody of
Pucci, who gets which friends, and who's in charge of the blog. As the weeks go by the girls develop new friendships and keep on fighting with each other. Even their blog posts start turning into malicious jabs at each other. As to their party Avalon seems to have taken over the whole thing, but Halley still feels that since her name is attached to the invitation she should have some say in what goes on at the party. Will the party be a big bang or bust? Will the girls ever get over their differences and become
besties once again?
I'm not sure I quite loved this book. By no means was the book bad for me there just wasn't that extra something that made the book sparkle. Still, there were many parts that I loved about it. For one, I thought the book was hilarious. I found myself laughing out loud many times. The comments that Avalon and Halley made to each other were the best. At times I felt like shouting "burn" and then laughing some more! After contemplating the whole book I think the reason it didn't sparkle for me was that it was geared more toward a younger audience. If I was a little younger I don't think I would have found some of the things that Halley and Avalon fought over so petty. For fans of the Clique books I would definitely recommend Frenemies as I think you would really like it. The book finishes with many questions still left unanswered, but don't fret they will be answered by the time the series finishes (there will be four book total). I am defnintely hooked enough that I look forward to reading the rest of the books as they come out!
I loved this book. ^^ I have to say, the comments between the girls were my favorite part, too.
I'm looking forward to reading this. Nice review!
And yes, I would love to exchange links! :)
This book just keeps popping up in my life... =P
I'll definitely do the link exchange =P
Aw, come on! You can be meaner than that. Seriously...I can take it. :) Thanks for the review. You make some excellent points. Love you (mean it!)...xoxo
Hmm... Curiouser and Curiouser. This title has been all over the blog-o-sphere of late. I am mildly intrigued.
You write very good reviews by the way and I read your blog consistently.
*Aella Siofra*
I've memed you. laughs evilly :D
check out my latest blog post.
I don't know if you've already been Memed for this one or not, but here it is!
You're tagged for The Mutating Meme, read my blog entry to find out more!
would u like to do a link exchange??
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