Persephone and Penelope Leeland are the twin daughters of a well known English viscount and are getting ready to be thrown into their first season. While you couldn’t tell the girls apart by looking at them, if you talked to them you would know that they are completely different girls.
All Penelope can talk about is the upcoming balls that the girls are planning on going to and the numerous gowns that she is going to wear. She’s loves all thoughts that have to do with future dances and possible husbands. Then there is Persephone. She would much rather hunker down and devote her time to magical studies. She really doesn’t want anything to do with finding a husband or dancing the night away in a dress that she can hardly breathe in.
Just as the season is about to begin the girls governess disappears. It’s up to the girls to figure out what happened. Along the way the girls will discover that the kidnapping of their governess has much to do with the plot to take away Princess Victoria’s power. Encountering many interesting people, including a mysterious Irish wizard and a boy that might just be husband worthy, the girls set off to solve the mystery.
I am a huge historical fiction fan as well as I love books that include magic. Putting the two together created an amazing book that I instantly fell in love with. I thought that the story was completely original and absolutely spellbinding. I was highly impressed with Marissa Doyle’s ability to captivate my attention throughout the whole book. I don’t think I actually put the book down once - which is a big thing for me! I thought it was really neat that the main characters were twins who really didn’t have much in common. The girls’ differences though made the book so interesting and it was really evident that they depended on each other for different strengths. Another really special thing about this book is that the story sticks. The story keeps ringing through my head and I’m still loving it! I was really impressed with Marissa Doyle’s debut novel and absolutely cannot wait for the sequel which will be out sometime next year (why o why does it have to be that far away!). It has definitely become a new favorite of mine and if you haven’t had the opportunity to read the Bewitching Season I highly suggest you run and get it now.
This does sound like a good book. I just added it to my Amazon wish list. I noticed it categorized it as YA. Do you think it would be appropriate for 6th graders, or do you think it is better suited for a little bit older?
Thanks for the review!
I have this book in my TBR pile. I tried reading it back in April, but I wasn't really into it at all. I'm gonna give it another shot once my TBR pile goes down considerably.
Great review though!!
ooh, i loved this book too!!
It is a fun book! I didn't love it, but I did like it quite a bit.
I loved this book, too. I didn't know there was a sequel coming out until recently and I can't wait!
Sometimes I like better not knowing when a book's sequel is coming out. Then I wouldn't get as excited as I do, haha.
I've been hearing lots of great things about this book. I'm going to try to get a copy soon. :)
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