As you can tell from the title this post has nothing to do with reviews!! It deals more with birthdays and contests!! Well as I'm sure you've guessed today is my birthday, my 16th actually!! I'm always a big proponent of giving things away and what better way to do it than on my birthday! This way I have the joy of giving AND receiving!!!! Here are the rules:
1. Since it's my sixteenth birthday the contest will run for 16 days, meaning it will end on Wednesday July 23rd at 12 p.m. E.S.T
2. Sorry, but only residents of North America can enter.
3. To enter just comment here. If your looking for extra entries you can comment on any posts that are published on dates that are multiples of 7 (meaning the 14th and 21st) and the post that is published on the 16th. You are welcome to comment on all of these to increase the amount of entries you get. Who knows there may even be more oppurtunities, just keep your eyes open!! One last way to get entries is to spread the word. Post a link to my contest on either your blog, myspace, etc. and you will get 2 extra entries. To let me know you linked my contest just either leave the link in one of your comments, or email me. That brings the possible amount of entries to a total of 6, maybe even more!!!!
Now for the fun part, prizes!! I will pick 2 winners, maybe 3 if I get over 50 different entrants, and they will each get to pick 2 books out of a ginormous stack of books I have. I mean huge, as in 20 odd books to choose from!! I will also include some fun little goodies, like bookmarks and such!!
Great contest and happy birthday! :)
Here is my comment to enter and I will also post a link in my sidebar sometime today. I don't know when I'll be able to, but it will be there today sometime.
Happy Birthday! I think this is a great reason to have a contest :)
oooh, Happy 16th Birthday! I loved turning 16! have a great day :)
Nice contest. :-) Happy Birthday!
bcanyon at hotmail dot com
HAPPY FREAKING BIRTHDAY!! I hope you have a great one. :)
And thanks for the contest! Please enter me! :)
It's actually a tradition in Germany to pay for your friends if you go out to dinner on your birthday. :)
Hope you have a great one!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Tasha. How is camp going? Oh and Im might pick up Evernight today at the mall.
Happy Birthday Tasha. Hope you have a great 16th. Please enter me in the contest. I will link your contest on my sidebar under Contests!!!
happy sweet 16th birthday!
go celebrate like crazy, a girl is only sweet 16 once. =)
it's awesome that you're holding a contest when it's your birthday. haha. please enter me. thank you.
Carmen T
Happy Birthday, Tasha!! Sweet 16 -- that's awesome!
Have a great one!
Kimberly J. Smith
Happy Birthday!
I'd love to be entered. I posted about the contest on my left sidebar under contests. ;)
Happy Birthday! Great contest idea. :)
Grrreat idea! Happy birthday! I've posted a link to this post on my blog. Don't forget to enter the contest on my blog!
Happy 16th!
Happy Birthday!!!
Great contest!
Do the extra entries count for any posts on multiples of 7 or just this month's?
I posted about your contest in my sidebar :)
happy birthday!!!
Happy Birthday, Tasha. You and I have the same birthday, technically. I celebrate mine tommorow. :D
Happy birthday! Deffinitely count me in for this, so much fun!
happy birthday!!! WHOOOOOOO!!!!! :)
Hope it was a GREAT one.
happy belated birthday!
I linked to your contest at our blog (http://plentyofpaper-reviews.blogspot.com) in the sidebar!
Happy Sweet 16!!
I hope it was awesome!
Aww Happy Belated birthday! I remember turning 16, it was crappy. Well it was alright just not too exciting for me.
Please enter me in the contest!
Big happy birthday!! Yay! How much fun is this? I'll post about this on the blog Wednesday. :) M
Happy Birthday!!! I'll post about this amazing contest on my blog tomorrow. Enjoy!! :)
Happy 16th birthday, Tasha! It's very nice of you to give things away on your birthday : )
You may have seen things like this before, but I thought I'd mention that on Sarah Dessen's blog, she always posts a list of things she's grateful for on her birthday. The number of things on the list corresponds to her age (like 33 things on her 33rd birthday), & I think that's a cool idea for a birthday post. Or you could list your 16 favorite books...
Happy belated Sweet 16!! I hope you had fun and got lots of presents (or money) lol!
Very awesome contest! Please enter me! =D
What a way to celebrate! :D Anyway please enter me! I'd love a chance to win.
Happy Birthday! Sweet 16! That's a big one. :D
Happy Birthday! Melissa Walker sent me your way, but I think I'm going to have to add your page to my favorites - I love reading book reviews!
Happy Birthday! What a fun way to celebrate.
happppyyyyyyyyyyyy muchos birthday.... i was sent by melissa walker... but the wishes are genuine hahaha.
Happy birthday, darling! I miss you and I hope that you have an AMAZING day because sixteenth birthdays are the best! (no really, they are!) And I'd sing you the birthday song, but...yeah.
Happy birthday!
-big piece of cake-
And of course, I'm entering your contest. Who can resist books?
But, yeah, HAPPY SIXTEENTH! wh00t.
EXTREMELY proud to know you.
Happy Birthday,
please enter me into your lovely contest! :)
Happy Belated Birthday!
I added a link to your contest on my sidebar... www.bookloverreviews.blogspot.com
along with the sidebar, you're in a post here.
oh yeah, and there's finally a poll up for July, so go on and vote!
haha! happy b-day! I remember my 16th birthday. it was great. It's a BIG day. I'm still 16, but I can't believe i'm really that old now. time stops for now man. :P
Happy belated birthday !!
xD Great contest!
I just found this...but Happy Birthday anyways! I'm turning 16 this year, but in December.
Happy birthday. Great site. Thanks for the giveaway.
Happy belated birthday!!!
Great Contest!!
I have a link to this contest on my sidebar of my blog the link is http://laurenscrammedbookshelf.blogspot.com/
happy late birthday! sweet sixteen...hee hee. have fun!
Um I don't celebrate birthdays so don't feel like you have to enter me in the contest but I just wanted to say WOO I found another book blog to read!!
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