This was a fabulous book. It was the perfect mix of magic, romance, and reality. The book seemed to have an irresistible charm to it and I found myself not being able to put it down. Morgan’s character was completely unique and absolutely hilarious. She made all these snarky comments that made me fall on the floor laughing. It was also really nice to see her grow up and learn to get over the guy. The situations that Morgan found herself in were even funnier. From being in the magical world of fairies and folklore to being back on the bike trip Morgan seemed to always get herself into sticky situations. Another great thing about this book is its originality. I can honestly say I’ve never read a book that was quite like Why I Let My Hair Grow Out, which is so unusual as I read so much. And the cover … is it not amazing?? All in all I think this was a great novel and I can’t wait to read more about Morgan’s next adventure in, How I Found the Perfect Dress. And looky here!! I just so happen to have a copy right here.
Morgan is back and the only thing that’s different is that her hair is longer! While quite a bit of time has passed since her adventures in Ireland, and she is now an ocean’s length away, Morgan still feels like it was just yesterday that she was frolicking with the fairies and biking across Ireland. The worst part is she’s away from Colin, the guy she fell for while on the bike trip. Yes, they’ve exchanged the odd email here and there, but their relationship has pretty much fizzled out. Now all Morgan has to worry about is the upcoming Junior Prom. While all she really wants is for Colin to be her date, she knows that it’s not going to happen. That is until she gets an email from him telling her that he’s coming to the States. Of course Morgan is excited, but the moment he steps off the plane Morgan can tell that something is wrong. Colin seems to be exhausted. Morgan soon finds out that the fairy folk cast a spell on Colin making him dance his night away with fairies every night. Any hope Morgan had of taking Colin to prom vanishes when she discovers this as she knows he won’t want anything to do with dancing, let alone have the energy. The fairies better look out though because Morgan is determined to have Colin as her date and she will find a way to break the curse!
When I finished Why I Let My Hair Grow Out, I really didn’t think it could get much better. Well I stand corrected because the sequel outdid the first book. I mean the first one was awesome, but this one was even better. Morgan returns as funny as ever and definitely doesn’t disappoint. This book is completely irresistible and unforgettable. Lately I have found myself thinking about the events of this book over and over again, they seem to just be cemented in my mind and certainly have no intention of leaving! There was nothing that could’ve made me put it down. The fantastical mix of magic and romance is still great, but we get a little bit bigger picture of reality as Morgan returns to high school. I highly recommend this book as it will take you into another world, but then snap you back into reality just like a good book should! For fans of fantasy, romance, and just plain good books, go and walk….no run to your nearest library or bookstore and grab a copy. This book will certainly not disappoint and will take you on an adventure not even feasible in your wildest dreams!
Don't forget today is one of those lucky days where if you comment you get an extra entry in my birthday contest!!
Sounds interesting -- thanks for the reviews!
bcanyon at hotmail dot com
I really want to read these books. They sound soooo great!
Awesome reviews =)
I have the second one but I need the first. I looks so good! I can't wait to read it!
Both books sound awesome. A mixture of fantasy with reality. The things we do for love. haha.
Please enter me in the contest. Thanks. =)
Carmen T
These books look soo good. I cannot wait for my library to get copies already!
I never knew what these books were about until now. Thanks for the review, I will definitely be reading these. :)
Great reviews! I really want to read these books. I have the second one but I need to get the first one.
I have neither, but have seen them around...just started finding out what they were about, and i really want to read them.
awesome review! looks like i need these in my life. :)
These two books have been on my radar for a while, I really need to get to them, everyone's said they're great, I feel like i'm really missing out.
I was initially attracted to these books by their covers but the plot sounds really fun!
These sound really good! I'll have to add them to my already huge wishlist. :P
Great review! I have both of these in my tbr pile i'll have to read them soon they sound really good.
They are good books - with fab covers!
i have the second one, but i really need to go out and buy the first. i love the covers. i'm so glad they are awesome :D
Great Review!!
I really want to buy the 1st one, now.
I've heard so many great reviews for these books! *put them on wishlist*
I won the second book, but it must have been shipped on a slow boat from china because I haven't gotten it yet. I'm all jittery with anticipation!!
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