Geena has the perfect summer planned out. Her, her cousin Hero, and her best friend Amber are going to have some quality girl time working at the Triple Shot Betty coffee drive-thru shack. Things never work out as planned though. Hero and Amber don’t get along, actually that’s an understatement, they hate each other! Geena feels that her summer’s ruined now and is torn between her favorite cousin and her best friend.
As the summer progresses, the girls’ relationship starts to improve slightly. The Betty girls though are faced with a whole new problem, hot guys! Geena is desperately trying to deny the fact that she likes her arch rival (and competition for class valedictorian) Ben, Hero is hopelessly in love with the Italian working on her dad’s vineyard, and then Amber, well she’s just trying to find somebody. The girls run into no end of problems, but it ends up being one heck of a summer.
With a title this cute, I knew before I even cracked the cover that this book was going to be great! I was certainly not disappointed. The story itself was super cute, the writing was superb, and it just left the reader wanting more.
All three main characters were unique in their own way and I felt like I got to know three different girls, instead of one person with a few differences. I especially loved Geena, who stood up for herself no matter what. She was a great narrator, and she had some hilarious things to say. Her sense of humor was by far one of the best character sense of humor’s I’ve ever come across! Hero and Amber were also really funny. I could really imagine them as real people and felt like they were easy to relate to even though we have completely different personalities.
I also really liked the style that the book was written in. It was told in journal entries by Geena, which I thought was really neat. Some books I’ve read try to do this, but just aren’t that successful, but Jody Gehrman was really able to pull it off. The character’s personas really came through and the whole book came completely alive.
In short I completely loved this book and am anxious for more. Jody Gehrman created an unforgettable, absolutely hilarious, and fun filled novel that any girl is sure to absolutely devour. I highly recommend this book to any and all who are looking for a book that will just brighten your day.
great review. i loved teh authenticity adn humor. adn the second one is pretty good too!
Ooh another one I gotta add to my list, thanks for the review!
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