I know on my last post I said the A~Z Challenge was my last, but I changed my mind!! The Young Adult challenge will really be my last because I have so much else going on that there just isn't enough time in the day to read as much as I want to! So here is a brief overview of the Young Adult challenge. It's really not that hard, just read 12 young adult books during 2008. So really it isn't that hard and since I read so much anyway it won't be to much pressure! I will try and put books on the list though that I'm not reading for other challenges (except maybe for the A~Z challenge). If you want to join the challenge or just want more information visit the Thoughts of Joy blog. I'll put my list in the sidebar because I'm still thinking of the books I want to put on it!
I think I joined my "final challenge" at least 3 times since I starting this whole blogging thing a couple weeks ago. It's like popcorn. Once you start, you can't stop! I'm giving serious consideration to hosting a "Finish Your Last Year's Challenges" Challenge next year. :-)
Welcome to the fun!
LOL So glad you decided to join the YA Challenge! It really is a perfect fit for you. :) Welcome and Happy Reading!
I love the idea of the YA Challenge, but I can't nail down just 12 books I want to read. How did you go about choosing only 12?
I just chose 12 random books off of my "to read" list. It was tough, but I figure this is a sure fire way to get them read!!
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