This past weekend I found out that I got into the
North Carolina School of Sci
ence and Math. This is huge for me as it has been a dream of mine to attend for many years. Needless to say I feel like celebrating in a major way! What better way to celebrate than hold a contest. Except I didn’t want any normal kind of contest, I wanted to do a completely new and fun contest. So since I have been loving all things Nancy Drew, after seeing the very cute movie, I decided to have a scavenger hunt.
Now onto all things about this awesome scavenger hunt. First of all there are THREE books to be won. All of come from my own stash, but they are in good condition. I have compiled three clues as to what the books are, but you’ll have to figure them out. All of the books have been reviewed on my blog. For some of the clues you may have to go to author’s blogs or other websites, nothing too out there though! So here are the rules:
1. Decipher the clues and then send me an email,, with Scavenger Hunt in the subject line, or comment (do you really want to give away free answers?), with as many of the three titles that you can figure out.
2. You get one entry just for trying, so if you are completely stumped just email me with a fun email and I’ll give you one entry! For each title you get correct you get an additional entry. And of course, for you fellow bloggers, you get two additional entries for advertising my contest on your blog - just make sure to include your link. That comes to a grand total of SIX possible entries!!! I will email you back with the total number of entries you received.
3. All entries must be in by May 1 at midnight E.S.T.
4. This contest is open to everyone in the U.S. and Canada, sorry but shipping is starting to get outrageous.

Now for the moment you have all be waiting for….the clues!
1. In this book one of the main characters has the same name as a sticky sweetener. This book is also currently featured at one of my favorite bookish websites.
2. This book’s author won two pounds of coffee a month for a year just for publishing a poem of hers, and to think she didn’t think she was very good. As for the book, well shouldn’t we all make a “bestie” out of a “worstie” situation?
3. Can you decipher the title of this book from this tricky anagram?
*I’ll give you a hint, I reviewed it in March and it has three words in it.
Also if everyone wouldn’t mind, comment or email me and tell me what you think about this contest. Is it completely off the wall or do you enjoy something different? Please let me know your feelings.