Cammie Morgan returns from winter break to a debriefing at the super secret CIA headquarters in D.C. While her whole surrounding amazes her she can't help but to be nervous as it dredges up all the old memories of Josh. On her way home from her debriefing Cammie finds that her mom is acting very weird, but when she asks her about it she simply says nothing. When Cammie finally arrives back at Gallagher Academy she is overjoyed to be reconnected with her friends and even schoolwork, except she senses that something isn't quite the same. Her suspicion is soon confirmed when it is announced that the boys of Blackthorne Academy will be spending the semester at Gallagher Academy. Having never really been exposed to boys all the girls are shocked and don't really know quite how to handle the situation. While most girls are head over heels excited about the boys' visit, Cammie and her friends are a little skeptical. Even though she's a little hesitant Cammie can't help falling into a hard to read relationship with Blackthorne cutie Zach. Will Cammie figure out her relationship with Zach? Are the Blackthorne boys at Gallagher for a good reason, or are they up to no good?
I was really excited about reading this book as I really, really liked the first one, I'd Tell You I Love You, but Then I'd Have to Kill You. I liked this book almost as much as the first one. The story was still great and the book was jam packed with lots of adventure, but I found Cammie wallowed a little too much in this book. Other then that though the book was great. I loved all of the spy adventure that was going on and especially loved the girl power! I think this series is almost like a girl version of Alex Rider, except Cammie's not as adventurous, yet! I also really liked how Cammie grew as a person in this book. She started off a little shaky, but then resolved all her trust problems and returned to the good old Cammie we knew in the first book. As always with these kind of books though the ever so talented Ally Carter left us hanging on a thread as to what was going to happen next! All the information regarding the next book in the series, including the title, is highly top secret, but I do know that it is in the works and I cannot wait.
Isn't this series great? I can't wait for #3. :)
I really need to read this series it sounds great!!!
I love this series! I really can't wait for the next one!
This series is so amazing... I love it so much, it's just so original!
Te amo,
I'm so glad you liked the series! The books are just really original and creative. I can't wait for the third one!
I love this series, it's amazing. :D I can't wait for the third one!!
I've been dying to read this series - I just BookMooched the first one and am eagerly awaiting for it to come in. ^^
i love love LOVED this book :D cant wait for the third one to come out :D
I love this series. So can't wait for the third.
I'm a guy and I love spy books but does this have a lot of girl drama and what not??
yet another book to add to my really long TBR list! lol
I finally read the first book a couple of weeks ago & this one sounds really good!! nice review :)
I don't really like this book, honestly. It's just...ah.
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